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Re: NT Security (PERL)

 "Jason M. Feilbach" <JMFEILBA@rel1.byu.edu> writes:
> I have recently read about the lack of security on Microsoft and 
> Apple operating systems when using webserver software and have PERL 
> services enabled. I cannot however, find any solution to the problem 
> mentioned. Nor is their a workaround. The only solution is to disable 
> (remove) PERL (perl.exe) which is not viable as these services are 
> important. We have many NT (v3.51) servers running Netscape 1.13. 
> The information is available on the bug at:
> http://www.perl.com/perl/news/latro-announce.htm
> Any suggestions are welcome. Thnak You.
> ________________________________________________________
> Jason M. Feilbach
> Brigham Young University - University Computing Services
> Nework Operations Specialist
> jason_feilbach@byu.edu
> --MTFBWY--

Process Software's Purveyor web server for NT can use Perl scripts

We anticipated this attack over a year ago, and put in specific checks to
prevent it.

For more information, write me, or visit our web site. (URL below).

Peter Trei
Senior Software Engineer
Purveyor Development Team                                
Process Software Corporation